There arose a mighty din from behind us. Yelling and car doors and possibly a whimper. I had no interest in turning around. I didn't want to see what all the fuss was about. It couldn't be good. I doubt if the bear on the hill had popped into the tree line to retrieve her little hat, tutu, and unicycle to give us a show.
Mom, who had been strangely quiet during this last development leaned forward. "David. Let's get out of here." She cast quick glances right and left, then back to the group of young hikers who were now half hopping, half dancing in a state of modified panic. "This is utter madness."
Oh lord, why does she set me up like this? She knows I can't resist.
"Madness?" I pulled a mighty breath into my lungs and paused for dramatic effect.
"Madness? THIS! IS! SPARTA!" I cried, and twisted the throttle to a roar as we lunged back onto the mushy road.
Mom leaned forward and shouted "What the Hell is wrong with you?"
"Long list or short list?" I shouted back.
"It was a rhetorical question," she said as she sat back in her seat, a remarkable amount of disdain clothed in her voice. Ah marriage. Even after all these years I never knew what was going to set your Mother off.
We rode back to the lodge without further conversation or incident. It took everything I had to plow through the rain and mud but I did so with a genuine feeling of satisfaction. We arrived a bit later at the Lodge. Cold, muddy, and the smell of sweat-fear permeating our clothes like stale smoke from a Rave. But most importantly unscathed, alive, and relatively unharmed. Well, unharmed if you don't factor in emotional damage.
As I stood by the bike, adjusting my cane and putting my gloves away I caught movement out of the corner of my eye. "Hey! Look babe," I said, pointing to the woods beyond the parking lot, "your moose are back! Lucky, huh?"
Mom just shook her head.
Suddenly the adrenaline ran its course and I was exhausted. Legs of lead and all that. Time for a nap.
The question was, would your mom let me in the room?
Time would tell.
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*** the journey continues ***
Labels: bear, Hidden Valley Lodge, hikers, snacks, Sparta