And Then It Got Weird
*** continued from previous post ***
We took our place and pleasant greetings ensued. Leeza wandered back into the kitchen, leaving us alone with the tribe. We saw our BMW friends seated at the end of the table, close enough to chat but far enough away that you didn't feel a constant need to engage them in idle banter. They looked a little tired, a little warn. Their hike from earlier in the day had evidently taken a toll.
Next to them sat an older couple, probably in their mid-sixties. We would find out later that these were our Innkeepers, Bob and Linda. Next to them sat another couple of approximately the same age, and would turn out to be friends of the Innkeepers here on 'holiday' from the Canadian east coast. Really, is the word 'vacation' not adequate in these northerly climes? Is this a nod to the home Isles? Or just another in a series of 'this is why we are different from you so f' off'?
Continuing clockwise, in the next seats were a couple that appeared to be a few years younger than ourselves, a doctor and his wife up for a few days from Calgary. There were two middle-aged women on a yearly pilgrimage to 'the woods' as they put it. I really didn't want any more detail. Very "Goddess" looking, if you know what I mean.
Next to them sat a very interesting looking man and woman that we would discover were vacationing from Denmark. Three other couples of indeterminate middle-age rounded out the group. I would add more detail but they were sitting on the opposite side of the table so . . . they were 'fuzzy'. Which could only mean one of two things - either my eyesight was getting worse, or these folk were inter-dimensional beings having difficulty tuning to our frequency. Since I refuse to let my eyesight deteriorate any further - and my damn eyeballs know this - the obvious conclusion was that these wispy folks had to be from another world.
From my observations of these Canadians, these Homo Canukus if you will, from the shores of Galaway Bay to these lofty and majestic mountains, it was readily apparent that the entire population of the country was comprised of either shamans or psychonauts, just chock-full of dimensional capers. Oh you deceptively simple Multiverse! You never cease to amaze.
Come to think of it, it's entirely possible that Canada is the metaphysical attic of the North American continent. This would require further research and confirmation. I made a mental note to ask these ill-defined people sitting across from me if they had any 'Nozz-A-La Cola'. I've only had it once, yet no matter how I try I can't seem to get the damn taste, nor the craving, out of my brain. I didn't tell you about the Nozz-A-La Cola? What a night that was! Hopefully, even if these Brane-travelers had none of the divine nectar on their person, they could direct me to the nearest available thinnie. Perhaps I should stock up. We were almost done with our trip anyway and would be heading for home after breakfast in the morning. I could afford to jettison some socks and underwear for a few bottles of the forbidden beverage.
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We took our place and pleasant greetings ensued. Leeza wandered back into the kitchen, leaving us alone with the tribe. We saw our BMW friends seated at the end of the table, close enough to chat but far enough away that you didn't feel a constant need to engage them in idle banter. They looked a little tired, a little warn. Their hike from earlier in the day had evidently taken a toll.
Next to them sat an older couple, probably in their mid-sixties. We would find out later that these were our Innkeepers, Bob and Linda. Next to them sat another couple of approximately the same age, and would turn out to be friends of the Innkeepers here on 'holiday' from the Canadian east coast. Really, is the word 'vacation' not adequate in these northerly climes? Is this a nod to the home Isles? Or just another in a series of 'this is why we are different from you so f' off'?
Continuing clockwise, in the next seats were a couple that appeared to be a few years younger than ourselves, a doctor and his wife up for a few days from Calgary. There were two middle-aged women on a yearly pilgrimage to 'the woods' as they put it. I really didn't want any more detail. Very "Goddess" looking, if you know what I mean.
Next to them sat a very interesting looking man and woman that we would discover were vacationing from Denmark. Three other couples of indeterminate middle-age rounded out the group. I would add more detail but they were sitting on the opposite side of the table so . . . they were 'fuzzy'. Which could only mean one of two things - either my eyesight was getting worse, or these folk were inter-dimensional beings having difficulty tuning to our frequency. Since I refuse to let my eyesight deteriorate any further - and my damn eyeballs know this - the obvious conclusion was that these wispy folks had to be from another world.
From my observations of these Canadians, these Homo Canukus if you will, from the shores of Galaway Bay to these lofty and majestic mountains, it was readily apparent that the entire population of the country was comprised of either shamans or psychonauts, just chock-full of dimensional capers. Oh you deceptively simple Multiverse! You never cease to amaze.
Come to think of it, it's entirely possible that Canada is the metaphysical attic of the North American continent. This would require further research and confirmation. I made a mental note to ask these ill-defined people sitting across from me if they had any 'Nozz-A-La Cola'. I've only had it once, yet no matter how I try I can't seem to get the damn taste, nor the craving, out of my brain. I didn't tell you about the Nozz-A-La Cola? What a night that was! Hopefully, even if these Brane-travelers had none of the divine nectar on their person, they could direct me to the nearest available thinnie. Perhaps I should stock up. We were almost done with our trip anyway and would be heading for home after breakfast in the morning. I could afford to jettison some socks and underwear for a few bottles of the forbidden beverage.
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Labels: Calgary, multiverse, thinnies
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