Race, Obama, and Baseball Hooligans
*** continued from previous post ***
"Had me goin' there for a minute, eh?" Mark smiled.
"Just trying to add a little humor. But seriously, I'm firmly planted in the Obama camp."
"But really," Mark said, jumping into the conversation, "do you think he has a chance?"
Now that took me aback. Of course he does. He's ahead in the polls, and from all indications the Republican party was scrambling to play the ever popular game ‘Who is going to shoot us in the foot?’ The answer would come in a few short days. That answer was "all of them". No, I kid. The answer was Sarah Palin. I really, really, really wish that McCain had announced her as his running mate before we left Hidden Valley. Now that would have been fun.
I looked at your mom. She looked as confused as I felt.
"Oh, I think he has a very strong chance. I fully expect him to win come November."
Now it was Mark and Carl's turn to look confused. Mark said, "But you really think the US will elect," and here his tone became a bit sheepish, " . . . you know. A black man?"
Ah. There it was. Race seemed to be a very troubling topic for these Albertans. But come to think of it, it wasn't like we'd met anyone with even a suntan since leaving THE STATES. The coastal cities of Canada are quite international but evidently the plains were still the
dominion of the white man. Well, if you didn't count all the First Nation people that had been slaughtered to make room.
"I think we're more than ready for a change, and while his race will certainly be an issue for some, I believe most of the US is ready to move beyond skin color."
I was very cautious of saying "America is ready to move beyond skin color," because that would have been like smearing sausage all over myself and jumping in the lion cage at the Zoo. Oh sure, it would be all fun and tongues for the first minute or so, then things would turn . . . toothy. See, while we in THE STATES (oh dear Lord now I'M doing it!) refer to our republic as 'America', them's fightin' words north and south of the border. You will be reminded lickety-split that be it Canada or Mexico they are Americans as well, dwelling on the North American continent as they do.
Personally, I think it's just an easy way to start a fight. Kind of like telling a bowler that it isn't a 'real' sport. Or, and this is one that is fun sometimes, telling anyone outside of our country that REAL football is what takes place in the good ol' US of A with helmets and padding and the occasional snapped neck. What the rest of the world calls 'football' is just soccer. With the absolutely bitchin' addition of hooligans, but soccer none the less. That's what we teach our kids to play in order to toughen them up for the gridiron. Proclaim that loudly enough at a World Cup and see how long it takes you to regain consciousness. One time at Safeco Field I tried to implement 'baseball hooliganism' at a Mariners game one fine summer afternoon, but it wouldn't seem to take. Stupid passive-aggressive Seattlites. You should have seen the looks I got whenever a member of the team came into home plate and I would jump up, raise my shirt and shout "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Then I would throw my beer in your Uncle Bob's face and punch him in the nose as hard as I could.
Ah . . . good times, good times. You know, and this ticks me off to no end, Safeco security has NO sense of humor whatsoever.
*** the journey continues ***
"Had me goin' there for a minute, eh?" Mark smiled.
"Just trying to add a little humor. But seriously, I'm firmly planted in the Obama camp."
"But really," Mark said, jumping into the conversation, "do you think he has a chance?"
Now that took me aback. Of course he does. He's ahead in the polls, and from all indications the Republican party was scrambling to play the ever popular game ‘Who is going to shoot us in the foot?’ The answer would come in a few short days. That answer was "all of them". No, I kid. The answer was Sarah Palin. I really, really, really wish that McCain had announced her as his running mate before we left Hidden Valley. Now that would have been fun.
I looked at your mom. She looked as confused as I felt.
"Oh, I think he has a very strong chance. I fully expect him to win come November."
Now it was Mark and Carl's turn to look confused. Mark said, "But you really think the US will elect," and here his tone became a bit sheepish, " . . . you know. A black man?"
Ah. There it was. Race seemed to be a very troubling topic for these Albertans. But come to think of it, it wasn't like we'd met anyone with even a suntan since leaving THE STATES. The coastal cities of Canada are quite international but evidently the plains were still the
dominion of the white man. Well, if you didn't count all the First Nation people that had been slaughtered to make room.
"I think we're more than ready for a change, and while his race will certainly be an issue for some, I believe most of the US is ready to move beyond skin color."
I was very cautious of saying "America is ready to move beyond skin color," because that would have been like smearing sausage all over myself and jumping in the lion cage at the Zoo. Oh sure, it would be all fun and tongues for the first minute or so, then things would turn . . . toothy. See, while we in THE STATES (oh dear Lord now I'M doing it!) refer to our republic as 'America', them's fightin' words north and south of the border. You will be reminded lickety-split that be it Canada or Mexico they are Americans as well, dwelling on the North American continent as they do.
Personally, I think it's just an easy way to start a fight. Kind of like telling a bowler that it isn't a 'real' sport. Or, and this is one that is fun sometimes, telling anyone outside of our country that REAL football is what takes place in the good ol' US of A with helmets and padding and the occasional snapped neck. What the rest of the world calls 'football' is just soccer. With the absolutely bitchin' addition of hooligans, but soccer none the less. That's what we teach our kids to play in order to toughen them up for the gridiron. Proclaim that loudly enough at a World Cup and see how long it takes you to regain consciousness. One time at Safeco Field I tried to implement 'baseball hooliganism' at a Mariners game one fine summer afternoon, but it wouldn't seem to take. Stupid passive-aggressive Seattlites. You should have seen the looks I got whenever a member of the team came into home plate and I would jump up, raise my shirt and shout "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!" Then I would throw my beer in your Uncle Bob's face and punch him in the nose as hard as I could.
Ah . . . good times, good times. You know, and this ticks me off to no end, Safeco security has NO sense of humor whatsoever.
*** the journey continues ***
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