Was that . . . Humor?
While the rest of his family busied themselves making box lunches for the troupe, Mark leaned back in his chair sipping coffee. "So," he looked at my cane propped against the table by my chair, "I don't suppose you hike a lot."
"Naw," I said, "not too much anymore. How about you guys? What's on your agenda for the day?"
"Probably a hike up to Bowman Lake. The kids have never been up there and it's a pretty easy hike from here." He turned in his chair and looked out the window over the mist-laden meadow. "Of course, if it doesn't quit raining I'll have to listen to whining all the way up and back."
I smiled and shook my head. "I know what you mean. Our kids got to a point where they whined anytime we took them anywhere."
"Oh," Mark said, "I wasn't talking about the kids. Carl is a major wuss."
Whoa Nelly! Was this humor? I had to tread carefully here. As you know, I have a tendency to laugh first and ask questions later. Well, more like laugh first and apologize later.
Mark broke into a wide grin. It was a nice change of pace from the scowling. Carl overheard his brother, and shouted "Hey! Who was it that wanted to call it quits on day 3 of our week-long backpacking trip? Huh? Who was that eh? Wasn't me now was it?"
Carl waved his hand at his brother as if he were swatting at a gnat. He turned to your Mother and me, "I had been wet, cold, and hungry for three days. There comes a point where it's just best to pack it in. That's not being a wuss. That's using common sense eh?"
Mark went back to making his sandwich. "Gorby."
What was this word? It sounded like an insult, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out how calling your brother a nickname for Michael Gorbachev was insulting. Unless Carl at some point had presided over the fall of the Eastern Bloc. It was possible I suppose. He had that Ruskie-scowl about him. Sort of a grimace tinged with Vodka.
Wait . . . I just looked up 'Gorby' on the interwebs. It is a term for a tourist in Banf. Very derogatory. I'll file that one away for future use.
*** the journey continues ***